8月11日, 由密尔沃基华人社区中心(MCCC)主办,美华协会(OCA)及亚美专业协会(NAAAP)协办的第六届密尔沃基龙舟节在市中心的Lakeshore State Park再次擂响战鼓。来自威斯康星州、伊利诺伊州和依阿华州的华侨华人及其他社团、当地企业组成的55支队伍参赛,再次打破该赛事参赛人数记录。
继去年由于水质的原因,比赛改到Lakeshore State Park后, 根据各方意见反馈, 发现这一州际公园地势开阔, 依河傍湖, 风景优美. 经组委会决定, 龙舟赛将继续使用这个场地。
今年开幕式的一大亮点是龙舟赛善款捐赠仪式。自龙舟赛举行以来, 每年都有专款捐赠给Ronald McDonald House。今年是第一次在开幕式上举行隆重的捐赠仪式。龙舟赛组委会的代表们向Ronald McDonald House Charities(RMHC)的总裁Ann Ptrie女士郑重递交了$5000的支票。Ann Ptrie女士代表RMHC对密城华人服务社区, 反馈社区的善举表示了感谢和肯定。
Harley-Davidson的VP & Chief HR Officer Tchernavia Rocker,Northwestern mutual的VP & Chief Risk Officer Tammy Roou和Director of Milwaukee County Parks Guy Smith也在开幕式上发言。
Ken作为哈佛商学院的荣誉毕业生,曾在联合国维和组织工作多年,并出版过相关内容书籍,畅销世界。 他关注国际话题,还上过CNN, NPR, FOX , BBC 等多家电视台,也在纽约时报、华尔街等多家报纸杂志发表过学术文章。同时他还在多家公司担任过高管,包括AIG保险公司。Ken还经常在哥伦比亚大学和纽约大学做讲座,曾在亚洲生活和工作多年,亚洲经历丰富。
主讲:Alena Huang, Sophia Sun, Janie Xue, Catherine Zhao, Steven Chen
地点: 中文学校(Marquette)阶梯教室176房间。
Alena Huang (黄玮,父:黄华章,母:王琼)
A student of Brookfield Central High School, YLA Cultrue Booth Chair (2017-2018). She was admitted to STLCOP, UW-Madison, Case Western Reserve University, and University of Notre Dame. Will be attending University of Notre Dame.
Sophia Sun (孙菲亚,父:孙建国,母:刘念红)
A student of Brookfield Central High School, YLA Vice President (2017-2018). She was admitted to Harvard University,Stanford University,Princeton University,MIT,UW-Madison. Will be attending Harvard University.
Janie Xue (薛佳妮,父:薛平,母:金志红)
A student of Pewaukee High School, YLA President (2017-2018). She was admitted to Carnegie Mellon University,UW-Madison (Full Ride), University of Viginia (Echols Scholar), University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill. Will be attending Carnegie Mellon University.
Catherine Zhao (赵紫辰,父:赵大中,母:陈旻)
A student of Whitefish Bay High School, YLA Cultrue Booth Chair (2016-2017). She was admitted to UM Twin Cities, UW-Madison, Smith College, Swarthmore College. Will be attending Swarthmore College.
Steven Chen (陈博文,父:陈潜,母:王娜新)
A sophomore at Emory University. He was admitted to Rice University, Emory University (Full Ride), Boston College,University of Rochester, Case Western Reserve University, St. Louise University Medical Scholar Program, UW Madison, Marquette University.