密城快讯 – 亮出你的声音-与民主党代表讨论会

美国大选在即,在美华人要想提高政治地位和影响力,以参政、投票等形式积极参与选举是必由之路。为鼓励大家参选,密城华人社区(MCCC) 在11月大选前的几个月中举行名为”亮出你的声音”(Make Your Voice Heard)的非党派投票总动员系列活动。

继8月初组织了”普及参选知识讲座”及8月底的投票调查后,密城华人社区(MCCC) “亮出你的声音”活动组委会将在9月14日和9月17日分别邀请民主党和共和党代表,举行两场与社区代表的讨论会。这对我们华人社区来说是一个很好的更多了解两党政策和计划的机会,因为双方都高度重视我们的投票权。我们鼓励社区人士踊跃参加并提出关注的问题。


民主党与会代表: Lily Qi, Jessica Boling

会议时间: 2020年9月14日周一晚8:00 – 9:00

此次讲座将采取网上zoom meeting 的方式面向全社区华人。



Meeting ID: 882 4013 9868
Passcode: 392348


Lily Qi

Lily Qi于2018年11月当选代表蒙哥马利县的马里兰州众议院议员。作为马里兰州议会和大华盛顿地区的第一位华语议员,她的当选在NPR,Kojo Nnamdi Show,《华盛顿邮报》和中国全球电视网上都有报道。

Qi议员的职业跨越经济发展、公共事务和高等教育等领域。她被蒙哥马利县前县长艾格·莱格特(Ike Leggett)任命负责经济和劳动力发展,并领导了一系列旨在促进创新经济和公私合作的举措。在加入蒙哥马利县之前,她曾担任华盛顿特区的高级经济发展官员,华盛顿特区金融监管机构的发言人和美国大学多元文化事务助理主任。

Qi议员是移民融合、公民参与和亚裔美国人问题的演讲者、作家和拥护者。她是《亚洲财富》杂志的专栏作家,并在州长马丁·奥马利(Martin O’Malley)的辖内主持了马里兰州州长的亚裔美国人事务委员会。她曾在多个非营利组织的董事会中担任受托人,包括约翰·霍普金斯医学院郊区医院、Imagination Stage和印第安纳州曼彻斯特大学。Lily被《每日新闻》(Daily Record)评为马里兰州女性百强,获《华盛顿中国邮报》颁发的“ 2018年度人物”奖,并以其作为蒙哥马利县政府官员的成就三度获得美国全国县协会奖。

Lily Qi State Delegate, Maryland General Assembly (District 15, Montgomery County)

Delegate Lily Qi was elected to the Maryland House of Delegates in November 2018 representing Montgomery County. As the first Chinese-speaking legislator in the Maryland General Assembly and the Greater Washington Region, her election made national and international news on NPR, the Kojo Nnamdi Show, the Washington Post and the China Global Television Network.

Delegate Qi had a hybrid career in economic development, public affairs, and higher education. She was a political appointee by former Montgomery County Executive Ike Leggett for economic and workforce development and led a series of initiatives to advance innovation economy and public-private partnerships. Before joining Montgomery County, she served as a senior economic development official for Washington, DC, a spokesperson for the DC financial regulatory agency and assistant director of multicultural affairs at American University.

Delegate Qi is a speaker, writer and advocate on immigrant integration, civic engagement and Asian American issues. She was a columnist for Asian Fortune and chaired the Maryland Governor’s Commission on Asian American Affairs under Governor Martin O’Malley. She has served on as a trustee on several nonprofit boards including Suburban Hospital of Johns Hopkins Medicine, Imagination Stage and Manchester University in Indiana. Lily was recognized as Maryland’s Top 100 Women by the Daily Record, Washington Chinese Post’s Person of the Year 2018 and was three-time recipient of the National Association of Counties awards for her accomplishments as a Montgomery County government official.

Jessica Boling

Jessica Boling是一个经验丰富的社区组织者。她为不同社区解决复杂的问题,并促进社区的影响。她目前是威斯康星州民主党对美国亚太联盟组织(AAPI)的外展经理。


此前,她曾是Silicon Pastures Angel Investment Network的运营总监。她为中西部的天使集团负责采购、展示和管理创业投资交易。在Silicon Pastures期间,她帮助完成了超过40万美元的交易。




Jessica Boling is an experienced community organizer. She has solved complex issues and promoted the influence of different communities. She is currently the Outreach Manager at the Democratic Party of Wisconsin to the Asian American Pacific Islander (AAPI) community.

Prior to joining the Democratic Party of Wisconsin, she was the Director of Community Engagement to the AAPI community at the Milwaukee 2020 Host Committee.

Previously, she was the Director of Operations at Silicon Pastures Angel Investment Network where she was responsible for sourcing, presenting and managing startup investment deals for a Midwest-based angel group. She helped close over $400K in deals while at Silicon Pastures.

In 2016, she ran the political campaign in 2016 for an Asian-American candidate in Wisconsin against a 24-year incumbent. She is also a founding member of ElevAsian, an AAPI leadership group in Milwaukee.  

In 2013, Jessica conducted research on international aid in Cameroon as a Fulbright Fellow. Additionally, she served as the Secretary General for a nonprofit organization in South Korea for adoptees returning to Korea. Jessica graduated magna cum laude from both Seattle University and Boston College. In her free time, she enjoys training for different races, traveling and telling jokes with her friends.



  • 新冠肺炎(Covid-19)- Pandemic
  • 种族歧视 – Racial discrimination
  • 下届总统 – Next President
  • 社会稳定/团结 – Social stability
  • 经济 – Economy
  • 法律与秩序 – Law & order
  • 中美关系 – US-China relationship
  • 邮寄投票的安全性 – Mail voting security
