密城快讯 – 蟋蟀学堂将开设汉语角



每节课都将有特定的主题设置, 例如: 相互问候、用餐、讨论天气、就诊等等。课程目的是让学生能够熟练地运用中文进行日常交流。当然,本着以学生为中心的原则,老师也会根据学生的要求进行主题调整。

每节课上,学生将轮流用中文文字或者语言进行表达。老师会对学生的表达从语法、内容和发音三个方面进行评论和指导。同时, 老师会对常用的语法和发音错误进行总结和纠正,从而帮助学生更加自然地进行自我表达。

本课程是蟋蟀学堂为2019年秋季学期课程开设的预备课。本学期共开设8次课, 每次一个小时, 学费总额$80。

Description for Chinese Language Practice Corner Classes

Chinese Practice Corner will provide Chinese Practicing Environment to Adult or Older Kids whose Chinese are already at advanced level.

Each class will focus on a practical theme, such as greetings, ordering food, weather, seeing a doctor, and so on. The purpose is to make sure that students can be fluent in Chinese in daily life. We are also receptive to other subjects suggested by students.

In each one-hour class, students will take turns to express themselves (either orally or in written), and the instructor will comment on their expressions from (1) pronunciation, (2) content, and (3) grammar. The instructor will summarize common errors so that the students know how to speak more naturally.

This is a trial classes for Fall of 2019 semester, it will be cost $10 per class and $80 for the whole semester every Sunday 3pm-4pm from 3/24 to 5/19th (except 4/21/2019).

Location: Room 140; Marquette University, Lalumiere Language Hall; 526 N 14th St, Milwaukee, WI 53233

(蟋蟀学堂/Cricket Academy)