密城快讯 – 2024密尔沃基龙舟赛注意事项




地点 (Location):Lakeshore State Park, 500 N Harbor Dr., Milwaukee, WI 53202

日程 (Itinerary)

7:00am – 7:30am Team Registration & Campsite Setup

7:30am – 8:00am Team Captains Report to the Finish Line/Judge Tent for Final Instructions

8:00am – 10:00am Round 1 Race

10:15am – 10:45am Opening Ceremony – Dotting the Eyes of the Dragon

10:45am – 11:15am Cultural Performance

10:30am –12:30pm Round 2 Semi-Final Race

1:00pm – 1:30pm Lunch Break/Square Dance

1:20pm – 3:30pm Round 3 Final/Championship Race

2:00pm – 3:45pm Rolling Awards Ceremony/Beer Tent Celebrations

4:00pm – Festival End

停车 (Parking)

  • Volunteers to park along E. Erie street up until Park South entrance for free, please mention the sub team you belong to, your team leader’s name and your name at the gate. First come first serve.
  • Race team parking in Summer Fest Lot P for $5

地点及导向 (Lakeshore State Park Direction)

This year, 642 E Erie St Parking will be available again for Dragon Boat Festival parking. We only have north entrance open for parking.

Set “Milwaukee Sail Loft” (649 E Erie St, Milwaukee, WI 53202) as your GPS destination, once you see Milwaukee Sail Loft, turn left at the end of the road. Continue to drive on the road along the river toward the red light house; you are now in Lakeshore State Park. Follow the road under the Horn Bridge, and continue until the road swings to the left (north).

Park anywhere along the road where not prohibited. The south pedestrian entrance to the “island” portion of Lakeshore is located on the northeast portion of the large turn-around at the end of the road – no vehicles are allowed after this point.

parking lot
Street view of northwest corner of the parking lot
Overview of Lake Shore State Park and Parking Lot
Race Venue Layout


  • 志愿者在停车场入口处报上所属小组、组长姓名和自己姓名可免费停车(停车地点见上文)。
  • 志愿者请于当天早上7:00 (或由各组自定时间)向各组组长(leader)报到,由组长在登记处统一领取志愿者T恤衫。
  • 组委会为志愿者预订午餐盒饭,12:00由组长在食品区(YLA Food Both)统一领取。
  • 恳请志愿者注意安全。
  • 组委会在登记处设有问讯和First Aid Kit。
  • 组委会在登记处(registration booth)、食品区(food booth)和儿童游乐区(kids booth)设有销售代用券(coupon)售票处。
  • 恳请参赛人员及观众遵守公园规则。
  • 恳请大家照看好自己的物品及孩子。


  • 开幕式
  • 文艺表演十分精彩
  • 儿童游乐区,有大型蹦床和滑梯
  • 设有三个流动食品车
  • 啤酒园

     今夏龙舟赛, 不一样的风景,精彩纷呈,欢迎你来!
