密城快讯 – 大学申请讲座-2024

走过紧张的申请季,2024届高中毕业生的大学申请基本尘埃落定。又一届青春年少的学子即将告别高中生涯,迎来人生下一段崭新的里程,开启大学的美好时光。密城华人社区中心 (MCCC) 及所属的青少年英才学院 (YLA) 特别邀请了本地多个学区的应届毕业生代表,与大家聊一聊有关大学申请的问题。对于大学申请感兴趣的学生与家长,欢迎前来与毕业生交流。一年一次的座谈机会,不容错过。

主题: 高中生大学申请讲座

讲座时间:2024年5月12日周日下午美中时间 2:00 - 3:30

讲座地点: Marquette University, Language Hall, Class Room 176

毕业生代表:Shira Gui, Irene Li, Lily Liu, Kathy Sun, Devin Zeng, Ethan Zhang


Name: Shira Gui

High School: Arrowhead Union High School

YLA/MCCC Involvement: Dance Team

Accepted: Columbia University (ED)

Decision: Columbia University

Shira Gui (桂熙睿 – Father: Dawei Gui, Mother: Linda Liu)

Name: Irene Li

High School: Brookfield East High School

YLA/MCCC Involvement: Food Booth Senior Advisor/Dance Team

Accepted: Northwestern University (ED)

Decision: Northwestern University

Irene Li (Father: Zhimin Li, Mother: Liyun Zhang)

Name: Lily Liu

High School: Arrowhead Union High School

YLA/MCCC Involvement: Dance Team

Accepted:  University of Chicago (ED)

Decision: University of Chicago

Lily Liu (Father: Tan Liu, Mother: Xu Zhang)

Name: Kathy Sun

High School: Brookfield East High School

YLA Involvement: Vice President

Accepted: Brown, Cornell, Carnegie Mellon, Wellesley, Georgia Tech, Purdue, UW Madison

Decision: Brown University

Kathy Sun (孙可忻 – Father: 孙运光, Mother: 葛林娜)

Name: Devin Zeng

High School: Franklin High School

YLA Involvement: President

Accepted: UW-Madison, Case Western, UMN Twin Cities, Marquette University

Decision: UW-Madison

Devin Zeng (Father: Lingtao Zeng, Mother: Rihong Xu)

Name: Ethan Zhang

High School: Marquette University High School

YLA/MCCC Involvement: Substitute Teacher

Accepted: Boston College (ED)

Decision: Boston College

Ethan Zhang (张意星 – Father: 张智辉, Mother: 黄吉儿 )
