密城快讯 – 亮出你的声音-普及参选知识讲座

美国大选在即,8月11日即将迎来初选。在美华人要想提高政治地位和影响力,以参政、投票等形式积极参与选举是必由之路。为鼓励大家参选,密城华人社区 (MCCC) 将在接下来11月大选前的几个月中举行名为 “亮出你的声音”(Make Your Voice Heard) 的非党派投票总动员系列活动。

为普及参选知识,密城华人社区(MCCC)“亮出你的声音”活动组委会特地邀请了密城当地两位AAPI(Asian American Pacific Islander Coalition of WI)的成员就这方面的问题进行讲解及答疑。

主讲人员: Adrian Chan,Lorna Young

讲座时间: 2020年8月4号周二晚7:30 – 8:30

此次讲座将采取网上zoom meeting 的方式面向全社区华人。


Meeting ID: 830 3943 8243
Passcode: 418097


Adrian Chan

Adrian Chan, PhD, Professor Emeritus. 中文名:陈康宁,二代移民,祖籍广东中山,在加州三藩市出生、长大。1968年至2000年就职于UW-Milwaukee,任多元文化咨询心理学副教授。行政职务包括UWM教育学院研究主任,副校长助理,UW院系种族与民族研究所所长等职务。八十年代后期参与全美范围内商业多元文化咨询培训,客户包括波音飞机公司。OCA-WI及AAPI成员。

Born & raised in Chinatown, San Franciso, CA where my mother and father had ancestry roots from Zhongshan District in Guangdong Province. My birth certificate says Adrian Hee, reflecting the paper name that my father immigrated with to the USA during the Chinese Exclusion Act (1882-1943).

I came to Milwaukee, WI as an Assistant Professor at UWM in 1968 and retired in 2000. My field was Multicultural Counseling Psychology.

My administrative history showed that I was School of Education Director of Research (mid70s-mid80s), then Asst. Vice Chancellor (1991-95), and finally Director of the UW Systemwide Institute on Race & Ethnicity (1995-2000).

I have also been in the multicultural consulting business since the late 1980s with Kochman Mavrelis Associates (KMA) conducting organizational development and diversity training with public & private firms throughout the nation (ex: Boeing Aerospace from 2000-2016).

I am a member of OCA-WI and now active in the Asian American Pacific Islander (AAPI) Coalition of WI, a new statewide organization combating the anti-Asian fallout from Covid19, along with other issues.

Lorna Young

Lorna Young, MBA, 三代移民,University of Rochester历史学士,Cornell University MBA。1979年至1994年加入GE医疗设备公司,先后担任CT扫描市场部,CT市场开发,跨部门图像业务市场开发经理等职,成为首位加入该部门的少数族裔女性。过去的25年在IMV Medical Information Division任市场研发咨询,为图像领域的高端客户提供咨询服务。在OCA-WI义务工作15年,曾任OCA-WI主席,现任OCA-WI董事会常委,AAPI成员。

Third generation Chinese American. My father was born a century ago in Philadelphia, and his father ran a grocery store in Chinatown. My mother was born in San Francisco, and her parents both worked with Sun Yat-sen before they immigrated to the U.S.

My educational experience in a BA in History from the University of Rochester, in Rochester NY, and an MBA from Cornell University, in Ithaca NY, which I consider to be my home town.

I moved to the Milwaukee area in 1979 to join the CT Scanner Marketing team at GE Medical Systems (now called GE Healthcare), where I was the first female minority recruit into the marketing function from an MBA school, and certainly the first Asian American. I worked there for 15 years, where I had roles in CT Market Development and as the first market research manager across all of GEHC’s imaging modalities. For the last 25 years, I have been working as a market research consultant to the imaging industry for IMV Medical Information Division, where I work with all the top clients in the imaging industry, including GE, Philips, Siemens, and Canon.

I have been a volunteer with OCA-WI for over 15 years, and have served various roles, including President, and I am currently on its Board of Directors. I have gotten to know many MCCC folks through my involvement in organizing the Chinese New Year Gala for many years as well as supporting the Dragon Boat Festival. I too am now active in the newly formed Asian American Pacific Islander (AAPI) Coalition of WI.


  1. 美国民主/投票制度的一般介绍。 (General introduction of the democratic/voting system in the US.)
  2. 投票的重要性。 ( Importance of the voting )
  3. 投票人的资格。The qualification of a voter
  4. 如何亲自或在线注册投票?How to register for vote, in person or online?
  5. 如何亲自或通过邮件投票?How to vote, in person or via mail?
  6. 什么是缺席选票?在选举日没有空时该如何投票?What is absentee ballot? How to vote when you are not available on the Election Days?
  7. 如何阅读选票?How to read the ballots? 
  8. 如何填写选票?How to fill in the ballot? 
  9. 投票中可能出现的问题。Possible issues in voting
