密城快讯 – 大学申请讲座

主题: 高中生大学升学讲座

主讲:Emily Chu, Tyler Gao, Hana Li, Vincent Li, Katherine Liu, Reena Yuan


地点: 中文学校(Marquette)阶梯教室176房间。

Marquette 大学 Lalumiere Language Hall

526 N 14th St, Milwaukee, WI 53233


Emily Chu ( 竺翎, 父:竺楠, 母:肖靖)

A student of Arrowhead High School, YLA Science Club Chair (2017-2018). She was admitted to Duke University (Early Decision). Will be attending Duke University.

Tyler Gao (高远捷, 父:高鹏,母:王肖军)

A student of Homestead High School, YLA Co-President (2018-2019). He was admitted to University of Chicago (Early Decision). Will be attending University of Chicago.

Hana Li (李海呐,父:李小川,母:刘蓉)

A student of Brookfield Central High School, YLA Vice President (2018-2019). She was admitted to Emory University,University of Southern California, UW-Madison. Will be attending UW-Madison.

Vincent Li (李文森,父:李小川,母:刘蓉)

A student of Brookfield Central High School, YLA Vice President (2018-2019). He was admitted to University of Southern California, UW-Madison. Will be attending University of Southern California.

Katherine Liu (刘恺欣,父:牛卫东,母:刘建勤)

A student of Brookfield Central High School, YLA Vice President (2018-2019). She was admitted to MIT. Will be attending MIT.

Reena Yuan (原安辰, 父:原文彬,母:张琪)

A student of Brookfield Central High School, YLA Vice President (2018-2019). She was admitted to University of California – Berkeley, New York University, UW-Madison. Will be attending University of California – Berkeley.

